import os import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util import Retry from tqdm import tqdm import pylrc import json from PIL import Image from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager,Lock, Value from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from mutagen.id3 import APIC, SYLT, Encoding, ID3 from mutagen.flac import Picture, FLAC from pydub import AudioSegment import time import datetime import sys import random def make_valid(filename): # Make a filename valid in different OSs f = filename.replace(':', '_') f = f.replace('/', '_') f = f.replace('<', '_') f = f.replace('>', '_') f = f.replace('\'', '_') f = f.replace('\\', '_') f = f.replace('|', '_') f = f.replace('?', '_') f = f.replace('*', '_') return f def lyric_file_to_text(filename): lrc_file = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') lrc_string = ''.join(lrc_file.readlines()) lrc_file.close() subs = pylrc.parse(lrc_string) ret = [] for sub in subs: time = int(sub.time * 1000) text = sub.text ret.append((text, time)) return ret def update_downloaded_albums(queue, directory): while 1: album_name = queue.get() try: with open(directory + 'completed_albums.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: completed_albums = json.load(f) except: completed_albums = [] completed_albums.append(album_name) with open(directory + 'completed_albums.json', 'w+', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(completed_albums, f) def fill_metadata(filename, filetype, album, title, albumartist, artist, tracknumber, albumcover, songlyricpath): if filetype == '.mp3': file = EasyID3(filename) else: file = FLAC(filename) file['album'] = album file['title'] = title file['albumartist'] = ''.join(albumartist) file['artist'] = ''.join(artist) file['tracknumber'] = str(tracknumber + 1) if filetype == '.mp3': file = ID3(filename) file.add(APIC(mime='image/png',type=3,desc='Cover',data=open(albumcover,'rb').read())) # Read and add lyrics if (songlyricpath != None): sylt = lyric_file_to_text(songlyricpath) file.setall('SYLT', [SYLT(encoding=Encoding.UTF8, lang='eng', format=2, type=1, text=sylt)]) else: image = Picture() image.type = 3 image.desc = 'Cover' image.mime = 'image/png' with open(albumcover,'rb') as f: = with as imagePil: image.width, image.height = imagePil.size image.depth = 24 file.add_picture(image) # Read and add lyrics if (songlyricpath != None): musiclrc = open(songlyricpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() file['lyrics'] = musiclrc return def download_song(session, directory, name, url, song_counter, lock,file_format): # Set timeout and retry parameters time.sleep(3) timeout = 10 retries = 5 source = session.get(url, stream=True) filename = directory + '/' + make_valid(name) filetype = '' if source.headers['content-type'] == 'audio/mpeg': filename += '.mp3' filetype = '.mp3' else: filename += '.wav' # Download song with retries and timeout total = int(source.headers.get('content-length', 0)) downloaded = 0 retry_count = 0 while downloaded < total: time.sleep(3) try: with open(filename, 'ab') as f, tqdm( desc=name, total=total, initial=downloaded, unit='iB', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) as bar: for data in source.iter_content(chunk_size = 1024): size = f.write(data) downloaded += size bar.update(size) if downloaded >= total: break if retry_count > 0: tqdm.write(f'Retry successful. Downloading [{name}]...') retry_count = 0 tqdm.write(f'{name} : Download complete.') except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, IOError) as e: if retry_count >= retries: raise e else: retry_count += 1 tqdm.write(f"Download of [{name}] failed. Retrying in 3 seconds ({retry_count}/{retries})") time.sleep(3) source = session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=timeout) total = int(source.headers.get('content-length', 0)) downloaded = f.tell() if downloaded < total: tqdm.write(f'Download of [{name}] was incomplete. Retrying...') os.remove(filename) # Increase song counter with lock: song_counter.value += 1 return choice_format(file_format,filename,directory,name) # define a function to make a valid file name def choice_format(file_format,filename,directory,name): # implementation details here all_filldata = [] filetype = '' # check the input and perform the conversion if file_format == 'flac': # convert to FLAC if filename.endswith('wav'): AudioSegment.from_wav(filename).export(directory + '/' + make_valid(name) + '.flac', format='flac') else: AudioSegment.from_mp3(filename).export(directory + '/' + make_valid(name) + '.flac', format='flac') os.remove(filename) filename = directory + '/' + make_valid(name) + '.flac' filetype = '.flac' elif file_format == 'mp3': # convert to MP3 if filename.endswith('wav'): AudioSegment.from_wav(filename).export(directory + '/' + make_valid(name) + '.mp3', format='mp3') os.remove(filename) filename = directory + '/' + make_valid(name) + '.mp3' filetype = '.mp3' elif file_format == 'all': temp_filename = filename # Convert to FLAC flac_filename = os.path.join(directory, make_valid(name) + '.flac') if filename.endswith('wav'): AudioSegment.from_wav(filename).export(flac_filename, format='flac') else: AudioSegment.from_mp3(filename).export(flac_filename, format='flac') flac_filetype = '.flac' # Convert to MP3 mp3_folder = os.path.join(directory, 'mp3') if not os.path.exists(mp3_folder): os.makedirs(mp3_folder) mp3_filename = os.path.join(mp3_folder, make_valid(name) + '.mp3') if filename.endswith('wav'): AudioSegment.from_wav(temp_filename).export(mp3_filename, format='mp3') os.remove(filename) mp3_filetype = '.mp3' all_filldata = [[flac_filename, mp3_filename], [flac_filetype, mp3_filetype]] else: print("Invalid file format. Please enter 'flac' or 'mp3'.") return all_filldata, filename, filetype def download_album( args, pass_counter, song_counter, album_counter,lock,file_format): directory = args['directory'] session = args['session'] queue = args['queue'] album_cid = args['cid'] album_name = args['name'] album_coverUrl = args['coverUrl'] album_artistes = args['artistes'] album_url = '' + album_cid + '/detail' try: with open(directory + 'completed_albums.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: completed_albums = json.load(f) except: completed_albums = [] # fix the album name which have space in last word in Windows album_name = album_name.rstrip().split() if len(album_name) > 0 and album_name[-1].endswith(' '): album_name[-1] = album_name[-1][:-1] album_name = ' '.join(album_name) if album_name in completed_albums: # If album is completed then skip print(f'Skipping downloaded album {album_name}') with lock: pass_counter.value += 1 return try: os.mkdir(directory + album_name) except: pass # Download album art with open(directory + album_name + '/cover.jpg', 'w+b') as f: f.write(session.get(album_coverUrl).content) # Change album art from .jpg to .png cover = + album_name + '/cover.jpg') + album_name + '/cover.png') os.remove(directory + album_name + '/cover.jpg') songs = session.get(album_url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}).json()['data']['songs'] for song_track_number, song in enumerate(songs): # Get song details time.sleep(3) # add 3-second delay song_cid = song['cid'] song_name = song['name'] song_artists = song['artistes'] song_url = '' + song_cid headers = read_agent() song_detail = session.get(song_url, headers=headers).json()['data'] song_lyricUrl = song_detail['lyricUrl'] song_sourceUrl = song_detail['sourceUrl'] # Download lyric if (song_lyricUrl != None): songlyricpath = directory + album_name + '/' + make_valid(song_name) + '.lrc' with open(songlyricpath, 'w+b') as f: f.write(session.get(song_lyricUrl).content) else: songlyricpath = None # Download song and fill out metadata all_filldata, filename, filetype = download_song(session=session, directory=directory + album_name, name=song_name, url=song_sourceUrl,song_counter=song_counter,lock=lock,file_format=file_format) if file_format == 'mp3' or file_format == 'flac': fill_metadata(filename=filename, filetype=filetype, album=album_name, title=song_name, albumartist=album_artistes, artist=song_artists, tracknumber=song_track_number, albumcover=directory + album_name + '/cover.png', songlyricpath=songlyricpath) elif file_format == 'all': for i in range(0, len(all_filldata[0])): fill_metadata(filename=all_filldata[0][i], filetype=all_filldata[1][i], album=album_name, title=song_name, albumartist=album_artistes, artist=song_artists, tracknumber=song_track_number, albumcover=directory + album_name + '/cover.png', songlyricpath=songlyricpath) else: print("fillmeta error") # Increase album counter with lock: album_counter.value += 1 # Mark album as finished queue.put(album_name) return def read_agent(): # Read user agent strings from file with open('user_agent.txt', 'r') as f: user_agent_list = [line.strip() for line in f] # Choose a random user agent user_agent = random.choice(user_agent_list) print("User Agent: " + user_agent) # Set headers with Accept and User-Agent headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': user_agent } return headers def main(): directory = './MonsterSiren/' session = requests.Session() manager = Manager() queue = manager.Queue() lock = manager.Lock() pass_counter = manager.Value('i', 0) song_counter = manager.Value('i', 0) album_counter = manager.Value('i', 0) headers = read_agent() file_format = input("Enter the file format to convert to (flac/mp3/all): ") try: os.mkdir(directory) except: pass # Get all albums albums = session.get('', headers=headers).json()['data'] for album in albums: album['directory'] = directory album['session'] = session album['queue'] = queue # Download all albums num_workers = os.cpu_count() - 3 # leave CPU core free with Pool(num_workers) as pool: # with Pool(maxtasksperchild=1) as pool: pool.apply_async(update_downloaded_albums, (queue, directory)) results = pool.starmap(download_album, [(album, pass_counter, song_counter, album_counter, lock, file_format) for album in albums]) queue.put('kill') pass_total = pass_counter.value song_total = song_counter.value album_total = album_counter.value # Write counter to file with open("Statistics.txt", "a") as f: timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write(f'Finish Time: {timestamp}\n') f.write(f'Total albums skipped: {pass_total}\n') f.write(f"Downloaded {song_total} songs from {album_total} albums.\n") f.write(f"-----------------------------\n") print(f'Total albums skipped: {pass_total}') print(f"Downloaded {song_total} songs from {album_total} albums.") return if __name__ == '__main__': main()