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Problem 6: Find the Prime #7

Ta180m asked this question in Q&A
Problem 6: Find the Prime #7
on Apr 18, 2021 · 3 answers · 2 replies

Did you know that between any positive number n and 2n inclusive, there is at least one prime number?

Given a number n, find a prime between n and 2n!


3 suggested answers
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Question out of curiosity: how has this been proven If we can't see a pattern in primes?

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Ta180m on Apr 19, 2021
Maintainer Author

This theorem, called Bertrand's Postulate, actually has a "short and elegant" proof. (I guess it's "short and elegant" compared to something like Fermat's Last Theorem which is over 100 pages long)


I won't act as if I understand that. But I accept this as "someone smarter said so and other smarter guys did not find an error".


on Apr 19, 2021
Maintainer Author

When your screen is only wide enough to fit 14 characters: A multi-line one-liner!

print([i for i
in range(n,2*n
) if all(not i
%j==0 for j in
range(2, i))])
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Pull the repo and try next-prime/next.html … it will tell you the next prime… kinda.

Imagine some blinking banners on the page as well… I couldn't be bothered to make them yet. Maybe later.

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