from datetime import datetime, timedelta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp from scipy.optimize import minimize import argparse import os # TODO - Parse arguments for different model options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--mode', '-m', dest = 'mode', help = 'change the mode of the model (SIR, Linear, ESIR, SEIR); default: SIR', default = 'SIR', choices = ['SIR', 'Linear', 'ESIR', 'SEIR']) parser.add_argument('--data', '-d', dest = 'include_data', help = 'change the type of data to present in the graph (Actual, S, I, R, E); default: Actual S I R', nargs = '*', default = ['Actual', 'S', 'I', 'R'], choices = ['Actual', 'S', 'I', 'R', 'E']) parser.add_argument('--folder', '-f', dest = 'folder', default = 'data', help = 'the folder in which to find the data files; defaults to looking in the data folder') parser.add_argument('--disease', '-D', dest = 'disease', default = 'sars', help = 'the disease to model; defaults to sars') parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', dest = 'out', default = None, help = 'the name of the graph and csv files; defaults to the name of the disease') parser.add_argument('--start', '-s', dest = 'start', default = '2/1/2003', help = 'the date where the data starts (defaults to the start date of sars (1/22/20))') parser.add_argument('--end', '-e', dest = 'end', default = None, help = 'the date where the data stops (defaults to whereever the input data ends)') parser.add_argument('--incubation', '-i', dest = 'incubation_period', default = None, help = 'the incubation period of the disease (only applicable if using SIRE model; ignored otherwise); none by default') parser.add_argument('--predict', '-p', dest = 'prediction_range', default = None, help = 'the number of days to predict the course of the disease (defaults to None, meaning the model will not predict beyond the given data)') args = parser.parse_args() S_0 = 13500/13501 I_0 = 1/13501 R_0 = 0 # Both are equal to 0/13501 E_0 = 0 # Both are equal to 0/13501 # Running a model for 3.27 million population is quite hard, so here we've reduced the population to 13.5 thousand people, and modified # the actual stats to match correction_factor = 13502/3270000 if args.disease == 'sars' else 1 class Learner(object): def __init__(self, country): = country def load_confirmed(self, country): """ Load confirmed cases """ df = pd.read_csv(f'{args.disease}-confirmed.csv') country_df = df[df['Country/Region'] == country] if args.end != None: confirmed_sums = np.sum([reg.loc[args.start:args.end].values for reg in country_df.iloc], axis = 0) else: confirmed_sums = np.sum([reg.loc[args.start:].values for reg in country_df.iloc], axis = 0) if args.end != None: new_data = pd.DataFrame(confirmed_sums, country_df.iloc[0].loc[args.start:args.end].index.tolist()) else: new_data = pd.DataFrame(confirmed_sums, country_df.iloc[0].loc[args.start:].index.tolist()) return new_data def load_recovered(self, country): """ Load recovered cases """ df = pd.read_csv(f'{args.disease}-recovered.csv') country_df = df[df['Country/Region'] == country] if args.end != None: out = country_df.iloc[0].loc[args.start:args.end] else: out = country_df.iloc[0].loc[args.start:] return out def load_exposed(self, country): """ Load data for exposed persons """ df = pd.read_csv(f'{args.disease}-exposed.csv') country_df = df[df['Country/Region'] == country] if args.end != None: out = country_df.iloc[0].loc[args.start:args.end] else: out = country_df.iloc[0].loc[args.start:] return out def extend_index(self, index, new_size): values = index.values current = datetime.strptime(index[-1], '%m/%d/%y') while len(values) < new_size: current = current + timedelta(days=1) values = np.append(values, datetime.strftime(current, '%m/%d/%y')) return values def predict(self, data, beta = None, gamma = None, mu = None, sigma = None): """ Predict how the number of people in each compartment can be changed through time toward the future. The model is formulated with the given beta and gamma (or others). Returns the "solved" system of initial value problems, to be "graded" by the loss function """ new_index = self.extend_index(data.index, args.prediction_range if args.prediction_range != None else len(data.index)) size = len(new_index) def model(t, y): S = y[0] I = y[1] R = y[2] if args.mode == 'SEIR': E = y[3] if args.mode == 'Linear': return [-beta * S, beta * S - gamma * I, gamma * I] elif args.mode == 'SIR': return [-beta * S * I, beta * S * I - gamma * I, gamma * I] elif args.mode == 'ESIR': if mu != None: return [mu - beta * S * I - mu * S, beta * S * I - gamma * I - mu * I, gamma * I - mu * R] else: raise Exception('Expected mu for ESIR model') elif args.mode == 'SEIR': if mu != None and sigma != None: return [mu - beta * S * I - mu * S, beta * S * I - sigma * E - mu * E, sigma * E - gamma * I - mu * I, gamma * I - mu * R] elif mu == None: raise Exception('Expected mu for SEIR model') elif sigma == None: raise Exception('Expected sigma for SEIR model') extended_actual = np.concatenate((data.values.flatten(), [0] * (size - len(data.values)))) if args.mode == 'SEIR': result = solve_ivp(model, [0, size], [S_0,I_0,R_0, E_0], t_eval=np.arange(0, size, 1)) else: result = solve_ivp(model, [0, size], [S_0,I_0,R_0], t_eval=np.arange(0, size, 1), vectorized=True) return new_index, extended_actual, result def train(self): """ Run the optimization to estimate the beta and gamma fitting the given confirmed cases. """ confirmed_data = self.load_confirmed( recovered_data = self.load_recovered( if not os.path.isdir('out'): os.mkdir('out') if args.mode == 'Linear': optimal = minimize( loss_linear, [0.001, 0.001], args=(confirmed_data, recovered_data), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4)] ) beta, gamma = optimal.x print(f'Beta: {beta}, Gamma: {gamma}, R0: {beta/gamma}') new_index, extended_actual, prediction = self.predict(confirmed_data, beta = beta, gamma = gamma) print(f'Predicted I: {prediction.y[1][-1] * 13500}, Actual I: {extended_actual[-1] * correction_factor}') df = compose_df(prediction, extended_actual, correction_factor, new_index) with open(f'out/{args.disease}-data.csv', 'w+') as file: file.write(f'Beta: {beta}\nGamma: {gamma}\nR0: {beta/gamma}') elif args.mode == 'SIR': optimal = minimize( loss_sir, [0.001, 0.001], args=(confirmed_data, recovered_data), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4)] ) beta, gamma = optimal.x print(f'Beta: {beta}, Gamma: {gamma}, R0: {beta/gamma}') new_index, extended_actual, prediction = self.predict(confirmed_data, beta = beta, gamma = gamma) print(f'Predicted I: {prediction.y[1][-1] * 13500}, Actual I: {extended_actual[-1] * correction_factor}') df = compose_df(prediction, extended_actual, correction_factor, new_index) with open(f'out/{args.disease}-data.csv', 'w+') as file: file.write(f'Beta: {beta}\nGamma: {gamma}\nR0: {beta/gamma}') elif args.mode == 'ESIR': optimal = minimize( loss_esir, [0.001, 0.001, 0.001], args=(confirmed_data, recovered_data), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4)] ) beta, gamma, mu = optimal.x print(f'Beta: {beta}, Gamma: {gamma}, Mu: {mu} R0: {beta/(gamma + mu)}') new_index, extended_actual, prediction = self.predict(confirmed_data, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, mu = mu) print(f'Predicted I: {prediction.y[1][-1] * 13500}, Actual I: {extended_actual[-1] * correction_factor}') df = compose_df(prediction, extended_actual, correction_factor, new_index) with open(f'out/{args.disease}-data.csv', 'w+') as file: file.write(f'Beta: {beta}\nGamma: {gamma}\nMu: {mu}\nR0: {beta/(gamma + mu)}') elif args.mode == 'SEIR': exposed_data = self.load_exposed( optimal = minimize( loss_seir, [0.001, 0.001], args=(confirmed_data, recovered_data, exposed_data), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4), (0.00000001, 0.4)] ) beta, gamma, mu, sigma = optimal.x print(f'Beta: {beta}, Gamma: {gamma}, Mu: {mu}, Sigma: {sigma} R0: {(beta * sigma)/((mu + gamma) * (mu + sigma))}') new_index, extended_actual, prediction = self.predict(confirmed_data, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, mu = mu) print(f'Predicted I: {prediction.y[1][-1] * 13500}, Actual I: {extended_actual[-1] * correction_factor}') df = compose_df(prediction, extended_actual, correction_factor, new_index) with open(f'out/{args.disease}-data.csv', 'w+') as file: file.write(f'Beta: {beta}\nGamma: {gamma}\nMu: {mu}\nSigma: {sigma}\nR0: {(beta * sigma)/((mu + gamma) * (mu + sigma))}') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10)) ax.set_title(f'{args.disease} cases over time ({args.mode} Model)') df.plot(ax=ax) fig.savefig(f"{args.out if args.out != None else args.disease}.png") df.to_csv(f'out/{args.disease}-prediction.csv') def filter_zeroes(arr): out = np.array(arr) for index in range(len(out)): if out[index] == 0: out[index] = None return out def compose_df(prediction, actual, correction_factor, index): df_dict = {} for data in args.include_data: if data == 'Actual': df_dict['Actual'] = filter_zeroes(actual * correction_factor) elif data == 'S': df_dict['S'] = prediction.y[0] * 13500 elif data == 'I': df_dict['I'] = prediction.y[1] * 13500 elif data == 'R': df_dict['R'] = prediction.y[2] * 13500 elif data == 'E': df_dict['E'] = prediction.y[3] * 13500 return pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=index) # Loss Functions - used to "train" the model def loss_linear(point, confirmed, recovered): size = len(confirmed) beta, gamma = point def model(t, y): S = y[0] I = y[1] R = y[2] return [-beta * S, beta * S - gamma * I, gamma * I] solution = solve_ivp(model, [0, size], [S_0,I_0,R_0], t_eval=np.arange(0, size, 1), vectorized=True) sol_inf = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[1] - (confirmed.values.flatten() * correction_factor/13500))**2)) sol_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[2] - (recovered.values * correction_factor/13500))**2)) return sol_inf * 0.5 + sol_rec * 0.5 def loss_sir(point, confirmed, recovered): size = len(confirmed) beta, gamma = point def model(t, y): S = y[0] I = y[1] R = y[2] return [-beta * S * I, beta * S * I - gamma * I, gamma * I] solution = solve_ivp(model, [0, size], [S_0,I_0,R_0], t_eval=np.arange(0, size, 1), vectorized=True) sol_inf = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[1] - (confirmed.values.flatten() * correction_factor/13500))**2)) sol_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[2] - (recovered.values * correction_factor/13500))**2)) return sol_inf * 0.5 + sol_rec * 0.5 def loss_esir(point, confirmed, recovered): size = len(confirmed) beta, gamma, mu = point def model(t, y): S = y[0] I = y[1] R = y[2] return [mu - beta * S * I - mu * S, beta * S * I - gamma * I - mu * I, gamma * I - mu * R] solution = solve_ivp(model, [0, size], [S_0,I_0,R_0], t_eval=np.arange(0, size, 1), vectorized=True) sol_inf = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[1] - (confirmed.values.flatten() * correction_factor/13500))**2)) sol_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[2] - (recovered.values * correction_factor/13500))**2)) return sol_inf * 0.5 + sol_rec * 0.5 def loss_seir(point, confirmed, recovered, exposed): size = len(confirmed) beta, gamma, mu, sigma = point def model(t, y): S = y[0] I = y[1] R = y[2] E = y[3] return [mu - beta * S * I - mu * S, beta * S * I - sigma * E - mu * E, sigma * E * I - gamma * I - mu * I, gamma * I - mu * R] solution = solve_ivp(model, [0, size], [S_0,E_0,I_0,R_0], t_eval=np.arange(0, size, 1), vectorized=True) sol_inf = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[1] - (confirmed.values.flatten() * correction_factor/13500))**2)) sol_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[2] - (recovered.values * correction_factor/13500))**2)) sol_exp = np.sqrt(np.mean((solution.y[3] - (exposed.values * correction_factor/13500))**2)) return sol_inf/3 + sol_rec/3 + sol_exp/3 my_learner = Learner('Hong_Kong') my_learner.train()