## Sept 21 - Sept 27 - *1295 E. Permutation Separation (2200) - stupid - *1252 E. Songwriter (2200) - like Leetcode, keep upper/lower bounds - 1252 K. Addition Robot (2100) - matrix class - *1223 E. Paint the Tree (2100) - Read problem carefully - 1288 E. Messenger Simulator (2000) - ordered set - *1280 C. Jeremy Bearimy (2000) - greedy observation, look at each edge - 1249 F. Maximum Weight Subset (2200) - max_element makes code harder to read/debug - 1267 K. Key Storage (2100) - math, wrote generator to debug - 1234 E. Special Permutations (2000) - easy to implement with segment tree / prefix sums - 1250 N. Wires (2000) - hard implementation, find bridges in graph - 1223 D. Sequence Sorting (2000) - idea a bit complicated, write test cases to debug