import { SECTIONS } from './content/ordering'; const mdastToString = require('mdast-util-to-string'); const Slugger = require('github-slugger'); const Problem = require('./src/models/problem').Problem; // needed to eval export exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions, getNode }) => { const { createNodeField } = actions; if (node.internal.type === 'Mdx') { const ordering = require('./content/ordering'); createNodeField({ name: 'division', node, value: ordering.moduleIDToSectionMap[], }); } }; exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions, reporter }) => { const { createPage } = actions; const result = await graphql(` query { allMdx { edges { node { frontmatter { title id } fields { division } } } } } `); if (result.errors) { reporter.panicOnBuild('🚨 ERROR: Loading "createPages" query'); } const moduleTemplate = require.resolve(`./src/templates/moduleTemplate.tsx`); const modules =; modules.forEach(({ node }) => { if (!node.fields.division) return; createPage({ path: `/${node.fields.division}/${}`, component: moduleTemplate, context: { id:, }, }); }); // Generate Syllabus Pages // const syllabusTemplate = require.resolve( `./src/templates/syllabusTemplate.tsx` ); SECTIONS.forEach(division => { createPage({ path: `/${division}`, component: syllabusTemplate, context: { division: division, }, }); }); // End Generate Syllabus Pages // }; exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => { const { createTypes } = actions; const typeDefs = ` type MdxFrontmatter implements Node { prerequisites: [String] } type Heading { depth: Int value: String slug: String } type TableOfContents { cpp: [Heading] java: [Heading] py: [Heading] } type Problem { source: String! name: String! id: String! difficulty: String starred: Boolean tags: [String] sketch: String url: String isIntro: Boolean uniqueID: String } `; createTypes(typeDefs); }; exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }) => { const resolvers = { Mdx: { toc: { type: `TableOfContents`, async resolve(source, args, context, info) { const { resolve } = info.schema.getType('Mdx').getFields().mdxAST; let mdast = await resolve(source, args, context, { fieldName: 'mdast', }); let cpp = [], java = [], py = []; // lol the spaghetti code going to be insane let cppCt = 0, javaCt = 0, pyCt = 0; const slugger = new Slugger(); mdast.children.forEach(node => { if (node.type === 'jsx') { let str = 'exact match ' + node.value; cppCt += str.split('').length - 1; javaCt += str.split('').length - 1; pyCt += str.split('').length - 1; cppCt -= str.split('').length - 1; javaCt -= str.split('').length - 1; pyCt -= str.split('').length - 1; } if (node.type === 'heading') { let val = { depth: node.depth, value: mdastToString(node), slug: slugger.slug(mdastToString(node)), }; if (cppCt === 0 && javaCt === 0 && pyCt === 0) { cpp.push(val); java.push(val); py.push(val); } else if (cppCt === 1 && javaCt === 0 && pyCt === 0) { cpp.push(val); } else if (cppCt === 0 && javaCt === 1 && pyCt === 0) { java.push(val); } else if (cppCt === 0 && javaCt === 0 && pyCt === 1) { py.push(val); } else { throw 'Generating table of contents ran into a weird error. CPP/Java/Py Section tags mismatched?'; } } }); return { cpp, java, py, }; }, }, problems: { type: `[Problem]`, async resolve(source, args, context, info) { const { resolve } = info.schema.getType('Mdx').getFields().mdxAST; let mdast = await resolve(source, args, context, { fieldName: 'mdast', }); let problems = []; mdast.children.forEach(node => { if ( node.type === 'export' && node.value.includes('export const problems =') ) { let str = node.value.replace('export ', '') + '; problems'; let res = eval(str); Object.keys(res).forEach(k => { problems.push(...res[k]); }); } }); return problems; }, }, }, }; createResolvers(resolvers); };