

Resources for Science Olympiad Astronomy. Note that due to the license, you must publicly release any code that you use from this repository.


Install dependencies

You can install all the required dependencies on Arch Linux with sudo pacman -S --asdeps $(cat packages.txt). For other Linux distros, install your distro's version of the packages in packages.txt.


Download all of Wikipedia, or if you are low on disk space, Wikipedia Astronomy.


Great for unit conversions: https://speedcrunch.org/userguide/advanced.html


First, clone the submodule with git submodule init && git submodule update --remote. Then build the documentation with tox -e build_docs.

Download web pages

mkbinder.py is a Python script to download web pages. It can detect if the latest version of a website is newer than the downloaded version and download only the web pages that need to be updated.

First, install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt. Add links to download to text files in the Links folder. The links in each text file will be downloaded to their own folder.

Now run python mkbinder.py. It may take a while, depending on how many links to download.

You can change the backend used to download the websites, but the default backend pdfkit tends to work the best and is recommended. There is an alternative backend weasyprint which may work better in some cases and does not require wkhtmltopdf. Only change the backend if you are having trouble with the default and you know what you are doing!