websiteUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.7 hours
searchSemantic file search using FastEmbed and sqlite-vec2 weeks
dotfilesMy ~/.config directory2 weeks
sdrsExperimental Rust port of SDC3 weeks
sdcA ridiculously overengineered flash cards app using C, SQLite, Fenwick trees, an...3 weeks
sdVery efficient flash cards app using Go and SQLite4 weeks
genghisOnly Kevin will get the joke4 weeks
nlp-class-projectNLP class project8 weeks
transformer-shortest-pathsExperimentally evaluating transformer's generalization on a synthetic task8 weeks
cssCSS experiments4 months
6.8301-projectSharing without a network through vision6 months
blank2024 exozyme April Fools' day puzzle9 months
flipSingle-instruction Turing-complete programming language11 months
physicsDumb Physics Engine11 months
everythingThe massively parallelizable programming language of the future!15 months
arknights_ost_downloaderFork of months
recursionRecursion18 months
bilituiA dead simple Python TUI for Bilibili19 months
httpifyTurn your cool script into a dumb web app20 months
zenmonitor3Zenmonitor3 is monitoring software for AMD Zen-based CPUs, now with Zen 3 suppor...21 months
kelaA new decentralized web protocol21 months
april-gools2023 exozyme April Fools' Day joke22 months
yueProgrammatic music library23 months
giteaDevelopment moved to Codeberg23 months
rebuild_dbManage your iPod shuffle without iTunes, patched for modern Python 324 months
graffiti-demoCode for a UROP24 months
fuwuqiA useless C2S ActivityPub server2 years
never-gonna-give-beep-upNever Gonna Give You Up but it's played on a PC speaker using the beep command2 years
eigenfacesHow to not implement Eigenfaces2 years
6.a01Code for the class 6.A012 years
zenpower3Zenpower3 is a Linux kernel driver for reading temperature, voltage(SVI2), curre...2 years
piano-apppUse your PC beeper as a piano2 years
hackmit2022 HackMIT project by @a and @alekw2 years
aptoolsUseful tools for Gitea federation development2 years
unicodeAll of Unicode on one page2 years
gitea-wikiGitea federation notes2 years
ebooksFediverse ebooks bot using neural networks3 years
idiot-code-golfStupid solutions to simple problems.3 years
usacoClean implementations of solutions to USACO problems3 years
math-21.5Math notes and lectures, now on source control!3 years
mccarthyismA subversive card game3 years
gimkitSearching for the optimal Gimkit strategy3 years
print-hello-worldA potpourri of programming languages3 years
logLog of solved problems and notes3 years
spatioExploring spatiotemporal acceleration structures, by @slightknack and @Ta180m.3 years
librarySome useful algorithms for competitive programming3 years
detector-buildingArduino code and other resources for the 2021 Science Olympiad event Detector Bu...3 years
astronomyResources for Science Olympiad Astronomy3 years
infectious-disease-modelingModeling infectious diseases with the SIR model and variations3 years
pytorchPyTorch experiments3 years