easy-lan-shareFinally an easy way to share text and files on your LAN!3 years
make-forwarder-dsiAn actively maintained fork of Make Forwarder DSi, compatible with the latest TW...3 years
rgbtempChange RGB colors according to temperature3 years
terminalCode for C1Games Terminal4 years
covid-challengeUSACO Camp COVID challenge4 years
math-20.5Math notes and lectures, now on source control!4 years
cmimcCode for the 2021 CMIMC Programming Contest4 years
ioiIOI solution implementations4 years
usaco-campShort, concise solutions for problems from the USACO camp4 years
arch-all-the-way-downCreate arbitrarily nested Docker containers!4 years
usaco-demoUSACO demo for teaching USACO lessons4 years
usaco-guideA collection of curated, high-quality resources to take you from Bronze to Plati...4 years
badnesA nearly complete NES emulator in a single 750-line C++ source file5 years
compression-projectFinding creative ways to compress USACO problem statements5 years
google-code-jamGoogle Code Jam solutions5 years
usacoojA basic offline judge for USACO5 years