AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-21added note about update queryanonymous
2022-09-21delete->remove for js compatabilityanonymous
2022-09-21differences to url naminganonymous
2022-09-21slight doc updatesanonymous
2022-09-21typos in readmeanonymous
2022-09-21moved out of vue pluginanonymous
2022-09-20Merge branch 'main' of
2022-09-20anonymized and biased logoottheia
2022-09-14Update README.mdTheia Henderson
2022-08-08added query for logoottheia
2022-08-08added logoot crdt for ordered liststheia
2022-08-05Merge branch 'main' of
2022-08-05using crypto for random stringtheia
2022-08-05Update README.mdTheia Henderson
2022-08-05Update README.mdTheia Henderson
2022-08-05removed utilstheia
2022-08-05added arbitrary flags, like audittheia
2022-08-03add context if not declaredtheia
2022-08-02log in is now just a toggle function, no loggedIn booltheia
2022-08-01if authorization error, log outtheia
2022-08-01delete->remove serversidetheia
2022-08-01added note about update querytheia
2022-08-01delete->remove for js compatabilitytheia
2022-07-31differences to url namingtheia
2022-07-31slight doc updatestheia
2022-07-31typos in readmetheia
2022-07-31moved out of vue plugintheia